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Wednesday, 7 November 2007


It's never easy, drawing with a bleeding mouse.


MKWM said...

A She, I presume?

Ché l'écossais said...

Yeah, I think so.
But I make them up as I go along, so it can go either way...

Anonymous said...

Ih ! Ih !Ah ! Ah !
Plus d'un faciesse à son arc ! On peut, avec un peu d'attention y voir plus d'un visage dans l'écosse de cet art ;-)
Les portraitistes j'aime ...

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

If you look at it standing on your head it's Sigmund Freud.

Unknown said...

Thats wierd...every time I see a picture of Sigmund Freud, I see a voluptuous, naked, reclining woman. Who is definately not my mother.
This freaks me out, so I usually shift round and check out my "tennis girl scratching her bum" poster.
Maybe there's more to this Freudianism schtick than I had thought.