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Monday, 26 November 2007

Ouaf ! ( English : "Woof !" )

Fountain pen, beer coaster


Anonymous said...

C'est un pur clebs avec pedigree , ou p't'être un pitbull , ou un croisé chi-Ouaf-Ouaf dogue allemand ??

MKWM said...

Que ce soit ouaf ou woof, c'est ouf ce qui traîne dans les rues d'XL. On dirait un loup-garou au clair de lune.

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

Are those beer stains at the bottom or has Fido been cocking his leg?

Unknown said...

C'est un Scottish Terrier lunatique Ixellois. Un peu comme moi, quoi.
Espece tres rare, et pour cause...

No, Daphne - he's just happy to see you.

Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

I have that effect on men too. He should learn to use the very twee doggy lavatories now he's in Woluwe.

Cream said...

Ché, your Scottie looks like he's just popped a couple of tablets of X.L.

Ché l'écossais said...

I don't approve of giving drugs to familiar animals.
My big brother once gave acid to a cat.
My big brother was an asshat.

God rest his soul.